as seen

By jankerman


Almost at every step! With Mrs A S of doing a fire fighting job in god forsaken Spalding, I went to town to pay in a cheque ( while the bank is still open), next to the jewelers a pin had come out of the metal strap. We can't help you sir not agents for that brand. ( a trip to York then!).
Our planned walk didn't start well either! when greeted by the above view upon arriving at the towpath! They have now started cutting back the trees, those on the left bank are cut and hauled across with a winch to the towpath  and dragged along to the chipper. When I inquired as to when the closure warning had been posted and for how long for? They conceded they could not close it and that they had to accommodate public access but at my risk.
So on I went, along passed Swing Bridge 8 and on to the next lock being improved to allow some 2/3rds of it's original length to be navigated in its 200th year!
Returning home for a late lunch with three well exercised dogs my tracker popped up with 11.72 km very disappointed to be short of my 12 km target :(
Camera club tonight was spent sorting images for an inter club comp coming up soon. One of mine was in the possibles but I left before the final cut was made, so will find out later. 

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