A confused genius

By Lez11

Environment management

I have become adictive to four in a bed. It's where people who own B&B's stay round each others B&B's and rate them. Some of them are fussy buggers. They should stay in £10 a night B&B in Blackpool, then they would have something to moan about.

I watched the idot live last night who decided to jump from the edge of space, free fall, open his parashoot and land back on earth. He was 23miles above earth and at velocity hit 833mph. I wondered why he done it then realised he was sponsored by redbull and they will do anything to market and advertise their product.

I have spent all day on an environmental management course (pic) at work. I now know that you can't disturb or kill any creature or animal of any kind otherwise you will get punished more than doing the same to human being.

I was going to go to the gym tonight but when I got home I was nackered so I lay on my sofa and haven't moved since.

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