What Kind of Scat...is That?

On a trip to Yellowstone National Park several years ago, we saw a big poster-sized chart of some actual animal droppings. The theory is...if you saw the droppings out in the wild in the park...then you could guess which animal was in the area.

So...way back when...we developed a game called...What kind of scat is that?

Today, I got the chance (in the wilds of my backyard) to play the game again. And...so do you.

Some scat thoughts.

What is the scoop...on the poop?
What was doing the plopping...of the droppings?
How far-flung...to identify the dung?
I will not be stumped...on this dump from a rump.
After a small taste (not really)...I think I can ID the waste.

My educated (read Google search) guess? It's either a deer...or a WELL fed rabbit. I'm going with a deer.

Thanks for playing.

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