
By Hayls

A is for AWESOME!

Working today so we only had time to visit one beach, one stone circle, one smokehouse...

Today was fantastic but nothing can touch the exhilaration of last night. Before you think I'm revealing too much, calm yourself. I'm merely referring to the exhilaration of seeing shards of green light spiking the sky - we only saw the Aurora Borealis! Eldest's head had just touched the pillow when we dragged him out of his bed, wrapped him in his duvet and shoved him out the front door to see the celestial phenomenon that hubby tentatively heralded - "Erm, I'm not sure but there seems to be something strange happening in the sky over there". Eldest was amazed, hubby still can't believe what he saw and I was chuffed beyond words to witness something so incredible with the people I love most in the whole universe and beyond (I resisted dragging youngest from his bed, he'd been asleep for hours and it would have traumatised him!)

Anyway, enough of all this. Bernaray tomorrow and then the ferry back to Skye. Life is good.

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