Labour of love

My youngest sister died in July last year after enduring 5 years of metastatic breast cancer. Even though we lived in different countries we were very close and great friends. 
I miss her terribly.

When she discovered she had cancer she started a blog as she found this a great way to keep in touch with her many friends and family.

She was funny, witty, irreverent, but also had a strong sense of moral justice. Her blog illustrates this so well that many people asked if we could find a way to "publish" a book of her blog.
This is what I have been working on for the past few months.

There have been many hiccups along the way and it was becoming an ardous task which I wasn't sure I could complete.
In a moment of near panic I posted a request on our local Facebook page and within 20 minutes rec'd a answer form someone willing to help. Unbelievably this lady had been a trainer for microsoft and within 24 hours she was able to offer assistance.
I have now almost completed the blog to a printable PDF document and hope to be able to send to the printers some time next week.

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