A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Ticket to Ride

One of Jackson's friends, Wiktor, has bought him a game for each of his last three birthdays. Not sure whether this is coincidence or they are a big game playing family, must ask. Anyway, this year's game is called Ticket to Ride. I'd never heard of it so there was a lot of instruction and rule reading as we had a go playing after school today. There are quite a lot of rules so we just went for the basics today and we'll add in the rest later. It's a strategy game based around building train routes through Europe. Today's game was quite friendly but I can imagine that with more players it could get quite mean. In a good natured, game playing way, of course. Anyway, I think Wiktor's secured himself an invite to next year's party!

The rest of the day has been pretty good. Not quite as much achieved as I'd ideally have liked but I did understand a paper I had to read which I hadn't been expecting to understand so that was a relief.

Lesley x

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