Braveheart or Stupidheart?
I’ll give you 2018 reasons why this year will be year of the Rikki!!! Unfortunately by time I’ve actually thought of them and typed it you would have (rightly so) given up reading this tosh.
Let’s do this...
The year of change is upon us... we’re only 12 days in and i have already quit my job (working my notice until march) without anything else lined up. There comes a point in an abusive relationship where you have to cut your losses and take back control. I’m not worried (yet) because the world becomes my oyster.
I’ve applied for a job that's right up my alley (ha) as a student engagement officer at the university i went to, if i get it i will be getting paid the same amount of money with better working hours and summer and Christmas off!!!!!!!!! (My fingers and toes are crossed) which also means that i will still be living in Cambridge. Failure to find any employment lands me back home with Mummy and Daddy. Watch this space (unless i forget to post again and get a telling off)
Since handing in my notice my positive mood and demeanour have been the talk of the town, i feel more relaxed generally and am finding that even the most challenging of my subordinates are less challenging!! Apart from having to say ‘yes i am leaving’ 100 times a day it’s highlighted that i have a strong presence and adjusting will be difficult for those to which i have decided to abandon. It’s almost as if the universe is making me trying to make me change my mind and stay (unhappy)
So I’m currently planned up until April and if I don’t get my arse in gear, the dole queue awaits. Not exactly the change i’m aiming for but hey, what will be will be!!
There are other changes that i simply cannot speak of but suffice to say my versatility is getting better.
2018 will be my year!! Mark my words
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