nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn

Teapot...and hello again

Yesterday I had reason to look at Blip after a long absence and started going through my old entries.  I was impressed that all my photos were still here, thank you blipfoto.  It was illuminating to see and read what I had been doing and how I was getting on several years ago, and it's been quite a useful exercise to see how I have, and haven't, changed.  I am obviously a little older, but probably no wiser.  I'm slightly lighter and fitter.  My beard is more impressive.  Mentally my health is poorer, but my entries are probably edited in that respect so it's hard to tell.  I was absorbed by the same things - maps, cycling, hills, photography, typography, design, queer community - as I am now; probably the only one of those that I have made progress with is cycling.

So I was inspired to return.  I've missed the start of the year which would have been the ideal time to do it; I have a few pictures taken between 1st January and today but it seems inauthentic to post them as they weren't taken with blipping in mind.  So I shall start now.  Actually this is a piece of wisdom I have gained, if not always implemented; "Start where you are.  But start."

This teapot does not function in the conventional sense, i.e. one cannot make tea in it (the lid is glued on).  But it is placed on a table in a pub or cafe to allow people who haven't met in person before to find each other. It sounds a bit blind date or indeed secret service, but it's just a way for our staff LGBT network to meet up without having rainbow flags about all the time.  So it does have a function.

It was a good night, we had a couple of folk who hadn't been for ages and a new member.  I like these parts of being the chair, but unfortunately most of it is a thankless task and I plan to step down soon.  Given the size of my employer the support we get is hopeless, mainly limited to words which are delivered in subtle corporate speak that I can't respond to.  Perhaps someone with more appropriate skills would have more luck.  What would be really good would be to have more academic involvement, but they understandably have other priorities; this wouldn't count as a 'measurable thing' in terms of output which is sadly what is required.

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