20 Years
20 years since my hero left us. It’s still inconceivable to me that it is that long since I heard his voice. I spoke to him on the phone that morning, he was in fine form, making marmalade with Mum. He was going to play chess with Stan in the afternoon, and during the game he collapsed and was dead within an hour. He was 72.
Since then, we have lost my sister, my uncle and of course Mum. We have seen a wedding, the births of the girls and Liam has grown into a man!
I do know that Dad would have loved the technology age, he would have loved seeing me fly that Tiger Moth for my special birthday, and he would really have loved digital photography!
To only wish I could say ‘thank you’ to him for everything he gave to me, which is just too great a list from the swimming lessons, to multiplication tables, to his forward thinking so that he left his children with enough of a nest egg to make a difference to our lives.
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