Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

A visit to the Blue Reef Aquarium...

...to see the seals...
They have been doing a good job rescuing baby seals this year, split up from their parents in the recent storms. They put out a call for old towels last time we were up as they couldn't keep up with demand, and we dropped a few off. This visit we decided we'd go and see how the seals were getting on - and it was good to hear they have managed to get several ready for release, and passed some on to other centres to spread the load.
The seals in the picture were raised at the centre, and don't mix with the ones they intend to release. The show was a combination of feeding time, health check and a few tricks to show off typical seal behaviour. Good information too, about how to avoid stressing or hurting seals found on the beach. Altogether a fun and informative visit :;)

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