Emergency Rose

Another busy day attached to my computer organising (would you believe it?) my own birthday:-)

Our daughter and son in law are flying up to join us for a few days and when asked what I wanted to do on the big day, I suggested an Afternoon Tea at a rather nice hotel.  That was agreed, so I booked it.  Then this morning an email from my voucher company popped in to my Inbox and, lo and behold, there was an offer from the self same hotel for dinner, bed and breakfast that was too good to miss, so I booked that too:-) Well it is a rather big birthday!!

We also have plans for the next day, but more of that later.

All of which left me no time to look for a blip other than my lovely flowers, which are all opening nicely now and deserve a second chance.  Hope you are all having a good weekend, in spite of the indifferent weather.

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