A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Stating the obvious

Corin has built the new bed, which has then meant I have been able to have a really good tidy up and de clutter. Bit of a rearrangement of the furniture in our room. Feels much better now. There’s space in there. I’m hoping I will sleep better.

Had a frustrating experience at our local pharmacy today - waited over half an hour to pick up a prescription that had been sent over from my GP ten days ago! I haven’t had my beta-blockers for a week, which has been noticeable (to me anyway. Hearing my heart pounding in my head constantly has not been reassuring). A friend has advised of an alternative solution as she has experienced similar frustrations with them. Not the first time that they have cocked things up either.

Anyway, all is well for now.

Off to bed. I have work to do tomorrow. Boooo

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