well it was meant to be lathe day! ...but the stand wasn’t delivered with the actual lathe, so next week it is. the shed is cleared and ready for it though, so my bit is done. I also cut some birds too, so 2018 work has started already. nae bad.

it was a bit of a mash-up after that of making soup, driving kids around, nipping to inverurie and then doing a big clear out of the study. I threw out heaps and now I’m keen to get it sorted. pity the shower needs fixed first, I think some wall will need replacing before I can make that room habitable again. and I’m hoping our old dresser from my childhood fits in there. that would be great.

dave came round and here they are about to make a racket in the cinéshed. I’ll keep these photos for when they’re playing wembley and someone is writing their biography...

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