walks with my dog

By mingamo

Old trees.

This is part of cheggy ( chestnut ) lane where as kids we would find our conkers which would be threaded onto strings in preparation for the school tournament.it was completely unorganised. Everyone had conkers and everyone played. Gradually breakages occurred and eventually over time there were two left with a fight to the death. Everyone in the playground would watch as someone became the proud owner of the champion conker. Happy happy days. No adults involved( beyond hole drilling for the string) and absolutely no health and safety rubbish. No one telling us not to be competitive. Of course it mattered to win! Great sunny day after a glorious frosty start. Me and big D had a fantastic walk. Just spent two hours listening to a radio documentary on the Lance Armstrong debacle and dethroning Totally depressing but SO shocking. What a bully and truly awful person he could be. It's a bit like the jimmy saville outrage. So many people knew what was going on but circumstances conspired to keep everything hidden. It's hard to keep the faith som

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