The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline


Sunday - at last.

The weather hasn't been great - it's been a bit of a grey sky outside but I was determined not to waste the day away in bed.  We both got up about 8:30 - ish and Steve made his wonderful scrambled eggs for breakfast.  We also had these "Men's Health" sausages which were made of chicken - didn't go down too well but you never know unless you try these things, right?

I had some work to do in the morning so I cracked on with that finishing about 11am-ish.

I sorted out some images from our Boston trip last year with Steve's mum.  Steve wants to get a picture framed and made for her with some of the highlights of the trip so worked on that for a while.  

I then took some time to watch Lucifer on Amazon prime while also attempting a bit of a jog/ run and mostly walk on the treadmill.  Glad I did it - we are about to get ready and head up to the local pub for a late Sunday lunch (very late as it is likely to be around 5-6pm before we head out.

Rosie and Nibbler have barely moved all day - both sprawled out in their respective locations.  Rosie has been in my office so unfortunately for her, her sleep was disturbed by my flash.

Off to get myself ready to go out and face the world!  

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