Cookies and Crochet

Mr T came back early this morning from the Gliding Club having succumbed to the 'lurgy' which he has been hatching for a couple of days, therefore I've been administering ........ he is feeling very sorry for himself but I know what a vicious lurgy there is going round .....  I do hope I don't get it?  So between the constant administering I've had a brisk walk round the block,  baked some G/F biscuits and done a bit more crochet of which there still seems to be a bit of a wave scenario going on, but I'm not undoing it this time - I've gone too far and will just have to accept that it's my first attempt at a big blanket ........... I'm sure 'Matilda' won't notice the mistakes .... !

I might knit one next time.

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