A place in time

By Verbosa

Spruce time!

This is an action shot of "my boy" cleaning his car...perhaps not terribly exciting but it captured the moment.  He keeps his little car absolutely spotless and the neighbours sometimes joke with him that he will wash the paint off...which he doesn't find quite as funny as they do!

An afternoon visit to mother, who is keeping remarkably chipper.  Good news this week when her blood test results came back with an improved platelet count...the earlier low count likely the result of a recent virus.  So, one happy bunny there. 

Thought for the day:

"Look, Celsius is really very easy: 10 deg C is cool, 20 deg C is warm and 30 deg C is hot.  Anything beyond these extemes is either too bleeding cold or too bleeding hot."  (Denny Plowman, Nottingham)

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