Another Bible...

...since, after all it is a Sunday.

Crafty must run in the family. Grandad's initials, for - Joe Berwick.

I know the leather tooling is his; he taught Mam and in turn she taught me though it's a long long time since I did any of the assortment of crafts at her finger tips and I never did learn to knit.
NOT, strictly speaking, true I did, but seemed to cast on a stitch at each end of each row, so gave it up as a lost cause after producing a "square" which was about 6" at one end and 8 or more wide at t'other.
I'm guessing, in lieu of knowledge, that he probably made the case in which it travelled to Church weekly.
Introductory pages are missing for some reason; starting at 
"The Contents of this  Book. But somebody, I suspect old Joe, has pencilled "Pub 1837" for some reason.
I have NO idea how long since I was last inside it; but found things older and younger than me:-
1. Two of:- 
 An "Order of Service" for a service dedicated to 
Wilfrid Lawson Born Sep 3 1820 - Died July 1 1829. 
BTW Spill chucker THAT IS HOW his Wilfrid was spelt.
2. A Form of Prayer and dedication for use ~ ~ ~
May the ninth 1937 being the Sunday before the Coronation ~ ~ ~".
* ~ * ~ *
Younger than me:- Order of Service for Sunday before Q E ll's Coronation.
2 - Order of service for induction of the "Rev with the unfortunate initials". = V. D. Clarke M.A.- 19th Jan '63.
One for the induction of George Gawain Douglas in 1972.
And, finally, Esther - 2 hand pencilled Bible verses I suspect may be old Joe's as I don't recognise it as Mam's hand. Reference to the serpent being "cursed above all the cattle and ~~~"
No clues as to the age of the Palm cross,

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