Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Sunday — Painting in the Air

Sorry — Two blips in a row of our beautiful January sunsets. Tonight’s was even better than last night’s AND every night they are uniquely different from the previous.

This has been a lazy crazy do-nothing fun Sunday. Mr. Fun walked two doors over to “Mike the Bike’s” house and spent a couple hours shooting the breeze (Mike is a retired fireman who repairs motorcycles now as his retirement hobby).

We didn’t do anything other than late in the afternoon walk the dogs at Hardy Park, cruise the pier parking lot, stop at the beach lookout on Third Street, and then back at the house, we walked across our little street to capture this photo from our neighbors’ lower deck (our neighbor is a walnut farmer in the Central Valley and when they are not here we borrow their deck for a few moments occasionally to capture a sunset).

That’s January’s second Sunday
in Cayucos on California’s
Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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