
God my dyslexia has fair kicked in,  4 attempts at writing swamp! A busy day toing and froing trying to get information to fill in a tax return , something I have never had to do before! First had to phone Argyll & Bute Cooncil as they no longer post you a P60, she put me on hold and I had to listen to teuchtar accordion muzac!!! only in Argyll. Second call was to Buckingham Palace to try to find an invoice or receipt (I can't tell the diffirence) They were very helpful but never got back to me but fortunately and oddly enough with the help of my Blips I was able to track down the dates etc needed. Finally to the banks to get note of interest on my ill gotten gains! First bank were fine but second bank treated me like some sort of moron and refused to give me a figure on headed paper, instead they stamped it and hand wrote that they were indeed the said bank, it took me a further 10 minutes to actually locate the grotty little  figure it was written in such a tiny font!
Why do we have to go through all this damn rigmarole as all it does is enable these feckers at HMRC to take yet more of your hard earned cash from you  while wealthy crooks, millionaires, bankers, Starfucks, Vodafone and Amazon can get away with paying next to nothing! They have three times the amount of staff to chase ordinary punters than they do to chase the big crooks. That Carrilion that went bust today managed to secure the pensions for all their fat cat Directors while raiding the pensions of their poor unfortunate workers! Time this country followed the Icelandic principal and jailed them all.
Got to get ready for more teuchey music as choir has started back.
At least there was one bright spot on todays horizon, the rabbit got his nice shiny new waterproof hutch.

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