off again

A quick turnaround. Back from Mallorca at 2am to a freezing house. Quickly grabbed some sleep, emptied the case, repacked it with some clean stuff then headed to EDI. At which point sod's law struck.

The car had been in for a service a few weeks ago and had two new front tyres. One of those decided to go pfffut on the motorway. Cue much swearing while changing the wheel. The first time I've had to change a wheel in over 20 years of driving in umpteen countries and hundreds of thousands of miles, and it has to be when I'm trying to catch a flight. Bah.

Anyway, made it to the airport and the gate with time to spare. Phew.

MD-11. What's with the threes? Three main wheels, three engines, 3/3/3 internal configuration. I like the name.

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