Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Dark Side

Very Impressed with Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The usual stuff that fans want plus a few interesting twists. Rather bizarre seeing Adrian Edmondson in charge of a star destroyer; I always think of him as punk Vivienne in The Young Ones but perhaps it’s a logical career progression. Mind blowing on the IMAX screen of course, and terrific sound.

We missed the last train this side of midnight so ended up having to wait for what my father used to call The Milk Train at nearly one in the morning; got to bed at two and couldn’t sleep, it was nearer three when I nodded off I think. Too much Adrenalin from running to try and make the train - at one point my legs gave way on the steps to Waterloo station and I had to pull myself to my feet. Too old for such malarkey. We had to sit in MacDonalds and drink bad coffee whilst clock watching. But overall an excellent evening including a couple of hours in Pizza Express who have really mastered vegan menu alternatives.

Worked at home today with more success than I expected. Popped into town at the end of the day on an errand and saw that they had wrapped up the spooky man statue in the town square. He now looks like a Sith Lord (if you know your Star Wars).

Need an early night tonight or I may go over to the dark side myself ...

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