
By beckie


Holiday | Day 3!

Fed wildlife again... Think they have eaten better than us this week! lol!
Then off out for a little walk round the lake. Has been frosty over night, and the lakes had all frozen. Quite funny watching the ducks land and skid about.
Bit of a game of adventure golf... We had a few goes... Me and Ty First. Then Ty and Jut, And then me and Jut. Gotta get your moneys worth you know! lol!

We then had a mooch over to the Country Club for a drink and a play and to have a nose round. On the way over, we saw they were doing pony treks round a bit of the forest... Ty has been wanting to do it for ages, So as a little holiday treat... off he went... Thought he'd be fussy and chicken out, but he didn't! (yay!) he really enjoyed it.

Went swimming again! Tee hee!

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