A few of the boys!!

Today’s event was a reunion of B’s apprentice entry at RAF Halton in Jan 1964. These are a few of the ‘brats’, taken when I was sat at the table, B’s sitting to the left of me, so not in the picture.

The group was smaller than expected, several cancelled due to illness, but will be back next year. But sadly there have been losses. Makes you grateful for what you have and determined to make the most of time :0)

I did some group pictures with the big camera, but grabbed this so as to be able to post it tonight. We are staying the night and driving home tomorrow.

Ps we are down in the bar and I’m sitting in the window seat
(see yesterday’s blip), the place is packed !!!
Ps2 we tried to order some bar snacks but was directed to the dining room. We didn’t want much so took our drinks up to our room, grabbed a coat and popped across to the chippy. We had our chips watching the tv!!

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