
Shot this while waiting for the funeral services to begin.  For those who are wondering, please see blog of two days ago.  The 'family' is 9 generations away and, of course, I didn't come and expect any special attention for myself.  Was hubby with me?  No.  He had already promised to assist good friend M with a logistics problem.  I was still home when he returned, but by then he was just too tired.  Anyway, as I am the genealogist, I'm the one who usually gets the invites, and he didn't feel like tagging along this time.  No problem.

The services lasted an hour or so, and then we had some coffee/tea and small 'broodjes' (sandwiches) afterwards.  I chatted with some people, none of whom were related.  It can be quite an experience listening to how the elderly cope with widowhood or widowerhood, loneliness (although none of those I spoke to made any mention of it), diminishing physical abilities, and so on, but it was just as interesting to watch how many of them are living so independently, with enough apps on the mobile phones to send them to the next habitable planet.  They are up-to-date with the news and are in regular contact with kids and grandkids all the way to Canada and Australia, but also Spain.  I'm wondering what Thea will do now that Pete is gone.  I'm wondering what I would do if hubby went ahead, which I hope is not for a long while yet.  I gave him a tight hug when I got home and told him I was thankful he was still around.

What a strange coincidence that I didn't have to go to work today.

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