Snow ..... I love it!
The weather forecasters got it right today ..... very cold and varying amounts of snow depending on whereabouts you live in the Glasgow area.
I'm going out with L tonight to hear Peter May talk about his latest book assuming he's made it down from the North. I'll need to get my snow shovel out and clear the drive sometime in the next hour .... the snow has stopped now but it was very heavy in the early part of the afternoon.
I had some shopping to do after playing badminton so I headed for Sainsbury's up at the Kingsgate Retail Park. There were mega amounts of great quality snow up there and two snow ploughs were doing a great job keeping areas of the car park as clear as possible but after the snow fall this afternoon I think that there will be even more snow to clear ..... again!
Just a wee extra ..... I love snow but not driving in it when it's dark and the snow ploughs are nowhere to be seen. The drive home from the town was a nightmare and I decided that I wouldn't manage the hills with my wee car so I parked it in the Health Centre car park where it will remain until the roads are cleared. The walk up the road was beautiful .... the snow had stopped, the trees, walls and fences etc were covered in a white blanket.
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