Girl, You've always Gotta Friend in Me

Aw.  And so their three week sibling get together draws to an end. 

They've celebrated New Year in Sydney,  got drunk and Danced to Steps, See Bats, and Crocs, Swam under waterfalls, driven along deserted beaches,  Scuba Dived, sailed round the Whitsundays, done the Mysterious Girl waterfall, and drunk their body weight in Goon and beer. 

They text me today to tell me that they were geniuses, and that they wanted to thank me for making them equally amazing, intelligent and unbeatable. 

They were in a pub somewhere, they won a prize for "The Best Quiz Team Name".  (Great Barrier Queefs), got third place in the Quiz, and then Tooli astounded the bar by winning the Beer Pong Tournament; and all while sober (they told me)

They then became so excited they video called me. 

Yes, I was sitting at my desk, still juggling the year end numbers, and there were the two of them, screaming down the phone to me, still in the bar, both obviously pished as ferts, delighted in their winning, and intelligence and weirdly - each other's company. 

I spent the next five minutes listening to them telling me how amazing they were, and how grateful they were that we were so kind as to make them that way. 

I was feeling a whole lot better to get on with my year end after seeing their happy, drunk faces.  

 I'm feeling sad for them now, because Tooli is just the same as me, and Poor Boy is going to have to endure the tears tomorrow, before they both board their flights. 

Mwah. Love you both loads, I'm glad you have had the best of times. 

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