
By blipblog

The Conversation

Ever wanted to know a bit more about your fellow contributors, but been too afraid to ask?

Despite being first in line for the Blipfoto Contributor Least Afraid To Ask Award 2009, resident Blipster Flick clearly has, because she's come up with this rather splendid Blip-interview-relay-thingy-idea.

A what? Well, here's how it goes: one contributor chooses another contributor to interview, the interviewee then becomes interviewer, choosing another contributor of their own to interview. And so on. (To spread this around as much as possible, the interviewer can only choose a stranger to interview.)

Sounds complicated? We hope not because us lucky folks at Blipcentral are going to try and co-ordinate the whole shebang.

So starting next Wednesday, you can look forward to a new instalment of 'The Conversation' (a title we hope proves a little more catchy than 'Blip-interview-relay-thingy') every fortnight right here on the Blipblog, accompanied by an interviewee's self-portrait.

Flick's principle pre-requisite for taking this forward (you should see the rest of her rider) was that she got to be the first interviewer, and our very own Mr. Blogs was strapped to the hotseat. He's currently in make up, but his agent assures us he's up to the job and will be suitably pruned come next week.

That's it - have a great weekend Blipland!

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