All things me

By KatiePie


I ordered this at the weekend and I'm a bit excited about it but also a bit scared. It's a Clothkits skirt to make for Little One.
My sewing skills aren't the best but I'm sure I can manage it. I MUST be able to.. right?
I am loving SAHMville today. Which is nice.

I've found the old Roman blind that I made years ago for Littlest's room when he was a baby (it has sailing boats on it. It's cute), rethreaded and rodded it and then found a bit of wood in the garage, sawn it to the right size, drilled holes in the wall, screwed the baton up, glued on velcro, hung the blind and screwed a cleat to the wall to hold the blind up.
Am very proud of myself.
I've also scrubbed the lounge carpet with Vanish cleaner, hoovering it the requisite twice in the process and have attempted to clean my water stained car seat with it too. Fingers crossed for that one.
I've made jam tarts for the kids' playdate after school, baked bread, sent some emails, blogged a bit, tidied through so I can hopefully have a quick "quick clean" tomorrow, and now I need to go and walk the dog before I go get a damp bum fetching the kids from school (not convinced that car seat will have dried out yet :o/

Happy days :)

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