Evergreen Cemetery

The old cemetery is in Ft. Thomas, Kentucky, and is set high on a hill. With the snowstorm that arrived, my first clue not to go into graveyard was all the sand that was scattered all over the approach. But, I slid up the incline.

My second clue not to go in was the sign that said...THE ROADS TO THE CEMETERY ARE CLOSED! PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! I proceeded, but not for long.

It is so hilly, and was so icy that my van started sliding sideways. I took the first turnaround, and exited the premises.

We visited our Florida neighbor until lunchtime, and then headed South. We did hit a couple of pockets of light snow, but for the most part...were ahead of the major storms.

When we stopped for the night in Locust Grove, Georgia...we are 800 miles into our 1,250 mile journey.

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