From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Long shadows #2

Another beautiful - if blustery - autumnal day today. (sidetrack: I love the word blustery. Always makes me think I'm in a Thomas story: "It was a blustery day on the Island of Sodor...")

I took the little Gs for their autumnal shearing at the hairdressers this morning. No doubt Mr G will tell me off for letting the hairdresser take too much off, but it needed doing. At least they can see out of their eyes again! Little G shamed me by insisting we walk, even though we were running late and I was tempted to take the car. Turns out he was right - we wouldn't have been able to park anyway as they've been digging up the road outside the shops. And we just about made it in time, thanks to some exemplary jog-trotting by my boy.

It must be catching, because Littler G asked to walk to pre-school to pick her brother up this afternoon. She managed almost all the way, but had a slight tumble-trip half way there which needed a little carry then a ride hitched in a passing friend's pushchair to recover from. She was fine to walk home again once we'd collected big brother, though.

This shot was snapped on my phone just as we set off. I could probably have found somewhere with a prettier backdrop, but I quite like our shadows together like this.

I know this weather can't last forever, but right now I am LOVING autumn! :)

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