
By Kuifje

Black Tuesday

It was raining this morning, nasty you're going to get very wet kind of rain. I bundled up in my waterproofs and went to unlock my bike. I hopped on and off I went. The wind was against me too. I knew it would be a tough ride, but it was fairly normal.

7 minutes into the ride my back tyre gave way and after a little swerve I came to a halt. Bugger. Flat. So off I climb and back I go to home. Tried putting air in the tyre, but no joy. Bike locked up once more.

I took the keys out for bike number two. All was well. It's still raining and windy, but I'm still not too bad.

Along the way I had a little chat with myself about the fact that I was running late now, still needed a shower and to sort my desk out for the day ahead. I wasn't enjoying the fact that I was late, but I managed to convince myself that I wasn't going to be officially late, just late by my own standards and that perhaps I should get over myself.

Heading down one side of the tunnel, going great guns, I hit the bottom and the chain snaps on bike number two. Nightmare!

So I have to walk the last stretch to work which was a 20 minute walk. In the rain. And the wind. In a grump.

I'm very late now, so my little chat proved futile as my grump blackened. Then the thought of having to wait at work until after six o'clock so I could get the bike home on the train wasn't helping either.

As I headed to the shower a friendly member of management gave me a cheeky thumbs up to which I shook my head. The superstar that he is, told me he'd cover first thing for me and that I could leave early to get the bike on the train before rush hour. Mood slowly lifting now.

So here is bike number two awaiting the arrival of said train. Worked out well in the end as the headwind was terrible had I have cycled home. Both bikes now at repair shop.

And after the rain came sunshine, reminding me yet again about my constant. The sun will always rise everyday, even on Black Tuesday.

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