Crazy About Birds

By Kimb


I was standing at the door with my camera gazing at the various birds on and around the feeders and I noted that I had two male downy woodpeckers - one on the peanut feeder, the other on the suet. Usually when I see two downies they are one male, one female. So I looked fairly closely at the photos I took of the two of them and I've decided that what we have here is an adult male on the left (on the peanuts) and a younger male - probably young of the past breeding season - on the right (on the suet). He appears to have a rather spotty red patch on the back of his head - probably hasn't finished getting his big boy feathers. I guess he'll molt into them in the spring? This seems like a poor time of year to be molting. Brrrr!

We got the merest dusting of snow overnight last night. Just enough to make the roads a bit slippery. But as I didn't have to go anywhere, it didn't matter to me. They did close the schools though. Probably they should have just opened late, but it's a tricky call.

The extra is Mama deer and her fawn of last Spring. As you can see, Mama is taller than her fawn. I guess the fawn will be full grown by the end of next Summer? They had been once again helping themselves to the nuts I put out for the birds. They know where to find a treat when the weather is bad! They weren't alone either - there were two other does with them!

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