One of those days

The sun shone, there was no wind and one pondered why the whole world doesn't want to live in the Hebrides.
Dropped Tricia off at school and then headed north to Foshigarry, an old settlement at the top NW of North Uist.
Hills of Harris in the background with snow and a set of ruins from rthe ealry 1830s in the foreground. The history though goes back to the Norse period - the name is a real clue as in Gaelic the generic goes first and the specific second so it should be called Gearraidh Foshi - Foshi's in-field - the Gaels having borrowed Gearraidh from the Norse in the first place. The fact it is called Foshigarry - fjosa - gardr meaning enclosure of the byre  with the generic second and the specific first - means that the name stems from an Old Norse name so presumably the settlement goes back to that time. Not a bad spot to pull up your longship. Easy really.
Much harder to find physical evidence!

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