
By stellarossa

When the rains come

Almost a million Rohingya refugees living in one of the most precarious camps I've visited. This was all forest a few month ago, now hilly, dusty, congested, with latrines balanced above water points (contamination!!!) and a long steep climb down and then back up again for women who collect water after dark as they fled with only the clothes on their backs and are ashamed to be seen improperly dressed during daytime. It's much steeper than it looks and just carefully balanced sandbags, not secured in any way. When the rains start next month this path will soon wash away. Cyclone season starts in the spring too. It's going to be hellish. 

We're hoping to put lighting in to make it a bit safer to move around the camp, but access points and narrow pathways between shelters make moving materials in and out really tricky never mind safety doing any kind of construction. 

How do you see when you got out at night? I asked the women. "We rely on the stars and the moon" they told me. 

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