smile like a rabbit

By smilelikeabunny

Treasures in Polaroid

I lost my wallet last night. I say lost. My buddy rang me up @ 10pm & said 'have you lost your wallet' & I said 'no' & then went to check, only to find an empty space (in my big pants pocket) (or my jacket pocket) (you decide). The missing item had been found but I could not ascertain what was missing until the tennis club opened at lunch today (I know......). My main concern was not the £5mill in cash I was carrying (note this info was for my insurance company) but rather the photos I have of my dear son Ben from him being a little boy. It would have been beyond sad.

I am therefore delighted to report that not only was the wallet fully intact but that also all old, curling at the edges, slightly less colour the older they are, photos were present.

It was an Hazaar moment.

Honest, good people are all around us. We just don't hear enough about them.

Peace, love & Polaroids forever,



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