Clocking up the miles

To keep on track with 'Project 1000' Ann has to walk 9 miles a day. Obviously I do not have to walk 9 miles a day because I am not doing 'Project 1000'. However, although I am usually a bit snail like (ie, very slow) on my morning walks; by the afternoon I've perked up and am all happy and bouncy.

This afternoon Ann said, 'Molly, it's a beautiful day. Let's go for a big long walk.' So off we went........................

….................I splish, splash, sploshed my way through 'Braidburn Valley Park', I zoomed around in 'Colinton Mains Park', I splish splosh, splashed my way through 'Dreghorn Woods', two people in 'Colinton Dell' thought I was a young collie cos I was being so speedy and then I walked sensibly along the canal on my lead. Two little people thought I was the cutest dog ever. Ann was so proud of me.

And do you know how far I walked on my afternoon walk?............... 8.1 miles Ann has walked 11.87 miles. That's a long way for a thirteen and half year old gorgeous little collie! No wonder I gobbled up my dinner in super quick time and am now snoozing in my bed.

…...................Ann still has another 7 miles to cycle on her exercise bike.


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