My entry for the Abstract Thursday Challenge. Not very mystery, but as I found it rather nice, I will tag it for today. Huge thanks to Ingeborg.
I once had found these transparent boxes, I think they were used for Sinterklaas decorations in the Beijenkorf. They have several sizes and colours too, like red, blue, and pink. At that time I was obsessed with empty boxes, and I was disappointed that I only could buy three or four.
I want to take them now with me to Germany.
Yesterday we knew already that we could not travel to Amsterdam to meet a dear friend because of the terrible storm that was forecasted.
A pity, because we had not seen her for some years. But the chance that we would stranded somewhere was not a pretty foresight.
At 3 pm we cycled to the beach and had a wonderful walk. The sun shone and there was much blue in the sky. The sea was very wild.
There were some kitesurfers enjoying it.
I am a bit late with posting, will now start commenting, and perhaps I'll have to finish it tomorrow.

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