
By tookie

It is a visit from builder Bob?.....

   After morning apt.and then a longer workout at the Y I came home and had a delightful drop by from my friend's daughter and her friend's grandson Nathan.   He loves loves all things to do with construction, builder Bob, dump trucks, diggers, garbage and recycle trucks...craines..on and on.  I don't have any toys of this kind as Z and M were not as into them altho they do have some at their home. Alto I had the builder Bob hat:) 
    So I must be on the look out at some consignment stores for a few tools etc to please builder "bob" when he visits!  And he can make some repairs then.    He did cook some soup and made some salad and played on the  Lil Tykes slide so his time here wasn't wasted:)   A very nice wee visit from them .  

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