Eye to Eye

By HilarysView

Ephesus before the hordes of tourists arrived.

Lucky to be the first to arrive at the site this early morning, we could see the huge Greek theatre, a spectacular backdrop to this city that has its origins 6,000 years ago. Look at the size of the people on the road to feel the scale. So when St, Paul came to it in the first century AD to preach, it was already an ancient city. He had to preach against a fanatical devotion to the goddess Atemis and he got a lot of flak for that! If you ever go to Ephesus don't bother with the audio explanations - just read the plaques which say the same thing and you won't have to keep tapping screens.
We have now installed ourselves in the camper by the sea at Göcek and it was rather peaceful, but a car has just pulled up and is playing Turkish music. I (meanly) hope he is not staying long! Tomorrow we shall kayak at last and then go to Kas, our big journey's end.

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