The Chaos Bros

By vik


An afternoon squelch in the woods was much needed to try to blow away post holiday blues.

As we all headed back to the car (me, 5 boys, 2 dogs) we were slightly concerned to hear LOUD barking coming from the next path, Bro1 got our dogs on leads just incase. The barking was deep and not very happy sounding...

Along came a woman with a random collection, a Collie, teeny weeny Dachshund, huge GSD (source of the noise) and an amiable black Lab. The GSD woofed and woofed but was on a lead, the Dachshund wasn't and charged towards us yapping as only a teeny weeny dog can do and just as quick about turned and ran off. Meanwhile the Lab was sniffing about and wagging his tail and the Collie (also on a lead) was busy doing what dogs do. The woman did not get busy clearing up after said collie even after I commented on the ASTOUNDING smell. She did say 'oh it smells doesn't it?'

AND STILL she didn't clear it up. It was on the edge of the path!

I was a wee bit cross.

She knew this I think.

Then she said the wee dog was scared of the pram insinuating that it was all our fault that the wee yappy beast had charged at us and then ran off and now she had to go chasing after it.

Eh no, missus, not my fault you have no control of the dog.


As it turned out she got back to her van as we got to our car. She must be a dog walker given the cages in her van and random dog selection and if she is then she's getting paid to walk these dogs and as it's her business she should be more responsible. So anyway I could have ranted at her but actions speak louder and now I have her reg no. she's getting reported to the dog wardens, forestry commission and local forest users group for not clearing up poo in the woods.

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