Fresh bunch of tulips
I ventured out very briefly to go grocery shopping with DJ by car. Had a terrible coughing fit inside the supermarket, so I can guess the fellow shoppers weren't amused. But I did get a new fresh bunch of tulips and they will do for this Flower Friday. With thanks as always to Anni/BikerBear for hosting.
Thanks so much for all your AT entries and the great replies and comments on yesterday's Blip. That was/is a kitchen gadget, a thing to measure the amount of spaghetti needed for 1-4 persons. I don't ever use it, I had my adolescent forming years regarding cooking in a small village in N-Italy, so I do know how to measure portions with my own hands ;-) I'm sorry to hear quite a few people's tags (including my own) weren't working, but with the help of the BlipFoto desk, to be more specific with the help of Annie, the reported ones are working now.
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