Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB


     Close up of a Hellebore. 
     Thank you to Biker Bear for hosting Flowers on Friday.

     Have been out in the garden today preparing an area for a large garden storage container. Not finished yet though, but am looking forward to that moment as I can get a lot of garden 'stuff' and the like out of my W/shop so I will have lots more room for my machines. Storage container is 6' 3" long x 3' 7" wide  and 4' high. It was actually cheaper buying this (No maintenance involved either.) than buying a new wooden shed. 
It has been cold and sunny here today.

     My Mystery Object for the abstract Thursday challenge was in fact a Hand Soap Dispenser nozzle. Picture in the extras.

     Hope you all have a nice weekend. Stay safe and warm. 
Take care.

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