5 years on

I can't quite believe I have been blipping for five whole years!
For some reason my profile says I've got 1798 entries (possibly due to back blips?) In fact, I have 1825 and today marks five years as I took my first blip photo on January 19th 2013.
Back then I was working full time, there was no Anya or Max, I had time to concentrate on taking better photographs but I couldn't have imagined how lucky I would be...
Blip has been the most wonderful way to document each and every day of my life; be it good or not so good, just an ordinary day, sadness, happiness, a new experience or an amazing place.
I have met some inspirational people on here and, although time doesn't allow much any more for exploring others' journals I still enjoy the occasional browse and keeping in touch with fellow blippers.
Here's hoping the next five years are just as eventful and that blip remains as great as it is today.
I'm being nagged by a little one now so I may come back later to finish this off...

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