Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez


Old fashion, printed on paper photos - so many pictures, so little frame space! For the last few years I've made a point of making a photo book after each holiday so we have pictures at hand to look at and I also got some printed out to put in a frame in the family room. For over a week this frame has lain on the dining room table and I keep amending the picture I want to put in it - as well as all the family shots there are a few blips I would quite like to frame. I know it's a lazy blip and not even very well lit - tried to move the frame but the pictures started to move! A horrible wet day so we did what you do on horrible wet days - walked the dog and got soaked, thought enough of that and went to McDonalds and cinema (Madagascar - brilliant film, the 3rd but still fantastically enjoyable) of course it was bright when we came out of the cinema but only a couple of hours of day light left so an indoor, lazy blip!

ps Coco a little brighter today, not her usual self but on the mend.

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