La vida de Annie

By Annie

Wet and windy...

... not me, the weather. Not the sort of day to drag yourself out to a GP appointment to get the latest set of test results, only to wait 45 minutes to see a locum who didn't know what test results he was meant to discuss (bone density scan), didn't know why I was taking some of the meds I'm on (I had a subarachnoid haemorrhage), and didn't know how to take a blood pressure reading without several abortive attempts and almost killing the arm. Despite the stress of that, the reading was only slightly high. It seems however I'm somewhat anaemic which explains the recent tiredness and dizziness. I was given a form to take to get another blood test, but couldn't face another trudge through the rain just to sit for an hour in another waiting room full of ill and coughing people sharing the joy, so decided to do that another day. Met friend R for a cuppa - she says all the tests I have are making me ill. "Once they get you in their clutches you're on a downhill slope". Blow me if the weather didn't pick up in the afternoon and was dry and sunny - I could have gone somewhere nice and taken fabulous pictures. As it was I left my camera behind, which is unheard of; I really must be under par. Whinge over, and here's a blip of the deep drift of leaves outside the back door. There may be a dog or two under there.

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