A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Solar Power

I woke up shattered this morning. The walk and the rays must have helped as I have gradually increased my energy levels during the day. Probably helped by a little adrenaline burst late afternoon when we decided to check in with J’s Dr as he isn’t recovering very well from his virus and she emailed that we should get him a Hydrocortisone prescription....at 5pm from the GP on the basis of an email. I thought it might break the receptionist but a few Paddington Bear style hard stares and it turned out that she could make this “very complicated” thing happen. So hopefully now with a little chemical boost he will be able to bounce back.

There was also the huge excitement of my mid-life crisis Christmas arriving. Remember that? The purchasing was thwarted several times by various illnesses but on Wednesday it was done and today it arrived. Unfortunately no chance to assemble it as tonight I was out at a PTA meeting but I did find a teacher and my first lesson is booked for Tuesday. And if you haven’t guessed tomorrow it will be my blip. Actually what am I saying, it will be my blip regardless.

Lesley x

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