
'O' is for Orbit! ;-)

So glad to have them next to my bed at night when the mouth is dry or I have a bad taste in my mouth! Wrigley's claim this gum to be healthy for your teeth!!?? Who cares if it's true at my age? Hiehiehie!! As long as I like the taste and my breath feels fresh after chewing it!

I felt so much better yesterday, actually almost normal again! I was so grateful, had quite a fruitful morning, doing work on my scool accounts at 05:00 in the morning already and lots of fun later in the morning with C and Anrie, laughing at fun things the 3 doggies were doing, and then ...... I slipped on the wet kitchen floor, Sarah was mopping it and I didn't notice!!

Eisch!!!, I fell straight on my forehead, left elbow took a bad knock and my chest, on the right side, just above the wound took a bad blow as well!! It is sooo bruised, swollen hard and very sore! I am soooo disapppinted! I was really looking forward to a whole week of feeling 'good' before I have to go back for my second chemo therapy session on Monday 22 October! :-(

C was so shocked snd upset, she says the sound of my head hitting the floor was horrifying! She grabbed me immediately and rushed to the doctor's rooms where Dr Margaret examined me thoroughly before writing a prescription for painkillers and anti-inflammatory spray and gave instructions to check for concussion a couple times and acvised me to rest and put ice packs on the bruises!

I felt surprisingly better this morning but the bruises are hurting! I am really not happy with myself, I must admit!

Wowzer, it's raining cats and dogs now!! Woohoo!! Luvvvv it!!

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