
By LifeLines


The end of the working week and as usual I am pleased to have the weekend to be doing things I'd rather be doing.  The weather was cold, but bright and sunny.  I had a lunchtime walk in the woods with a colleague, its the first time we'd properly caught up since Christmas.  We discussed the films we had recently watched, the state of things at work and the dilemma of her sister in law who is a speech therapist who has been made redundant by the local NHS trust who have to cut costs.  She'd recently completed a PhD and had specialised in speech difficulties in the elderly.  We pondered the options now open to her - depressingly, they seemed rather limited.

This evening I have settled into my knitting (pictured).  I'm practicing a simple rib pattern at the moment.  I'm quite pleased with how it is turning out.  I'm finding it therapeutic (when it goes to plan!) and it helps me sit down as I feel I am being productive whilst also resting.

Wishing you all a happy Friday evening.

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