More .....
...... food !!!
Yes indeed , my neighbour ( who is sadly moving soon ) came for a belated New Year drink and lunch. It was good to chat , catch up and " put the world to rights!" Then I went to Oxted to get a birthday gift for my cousins birthday in February . It is just lovely to go into a shop where the assistants just can't do enough for you. So polite and the garments are carefully folded and put into a bag. Non of this ---- do you want a bag --- and no idea how to fold clothes neatly! Oh yes , the old school is the best! My mum would have been horrified if she had seen her profession let down.
The rain has kept a steady pace all day albeit the temperature is higher , tho' getting cold now.
I rang my friend ( who has Alziemer's ) as its her birthday , she sounded ok but soon lost track of the conversation.
Whilst in Oxted I booked a couple of seats for Thursday afternoon .
Grateful ...... for such helpful staff this afternoon
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